External and internal hazards and threat can expose any company to a horrific scenario. The objective is to deal as effectively as possible with rare occurrences which simply cannot be planned. Crisis and emergency management systems are required for this purpose. Such systems are essential in order to avoid adverse legal consequences and help to protect people, the environment and finally the company itself against loss and damage.

The result is not only financial benefits but also an improvement in the company's image.

Main fields of activity:

We assess clients' organizations, identify and evaluate potential risks, develop entire crisis and emergency management systems and review such systems. Some of the main services we offer are

·  support for the selection and equipment of appropriate emergency rooms
·  consultancy services for the establishment of the organizational links required with fire brigades, local and regional police forces and other emergency services
· development of effective tools for the emergency task force
· preparation of training programmes for all levels of the company hierarchy
· training, especially
media training (e.g. for board members)
anti-stress training (e.g. for emergency
task force members)
information management training
(e.g. for emergency services)
· preparation of emergency drill programmes
· implementation of emergency drills
· assessment of emergency drills